MS Excel : delete every other row

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Steps 1 and 2 are if you just want to see how this works. Skip if you have a live spreadsheet already in progress. Take a backup of your workbook before attempting in case you screw it up.

1. Create a new Microsoft Excel workbook.
2. In a new worksheet, in the range A1:A9, type the numbers 1 to 5, skipping rows, as in the following example: A1: 1
A3: 2
A5: 3
A7: 4
A9: 5

3. On the Tools menu, point to Macro, and then click Visual Basic Editor.

Note In Microsoft Office Excel 2007, click Visual Basic in the Code group on the Developer tab.

4. On the Insert menu, click Module.

5. In the new module, type the following macro:

' Dimension variables.
Y = False ' Change this to True if you want to delete rows 1, 3, 5, and so on.
I = 1
Set xRng = Selection
' Loop once for every row in the selection.
For xCounter = 1 To xRng.Rows.Count
' If Y is True, then...
If Y = True Then
' ...delete an entire row of cells.
' Otherwise...
' ...increment I by one so we can cycle through range.
I = I + 1
End If
' If Y is True, make it False; if Y is False, make it True.
Y = Not Y
Next xCounter

End Sub

6. Switch to the worksheet that contains the data, and then select the range A1:A9 (1-9 is for the example worksheet, select the real A column range in your own spreadsheet).

7. To run the macro, point to Macro on the Tools menu, and then click Macros.

Note In Excel 2007, click Macros in the Code group on the Developer tab.

8. Select the Delete_Every_Other_Row macro, and then click Run.
This macro will delete every other row, starting with the second row of the selection.

Note If you have a list of data that contains multiple columns, select only the first column of data, and then run the macro.