banana pudding

message board

A recipe from my Mom, great stuff!

1/2 c sugar
2 T flour
1/4 tsp salt
2 c milk
3 eggs, separated
1 t vanilla
1 medium size box vanilla wafers
4 - 6 bananas
6 T sugar

Make a custard by combining the first 3 ingredients and add the milk to which has been added the slightly beaten egg yolks. Cook in top of double boiler until the consistency of custard. Add vanilla. Line a baking dish with vanilla wafers, slice bananas over the wafers. Pour over this 1/2 of the custard. Repeat with another layer of wafers and bananas. Cover with remaining custard. Make a meringue of egg whites whipped with the 6 T sugar added. Beat until stiff and put on top of pudding. Bake at 425 for 5 minutes or until delicately browned.