Pretty simple, cheap,
kids love them. Sounds like work but really not. In summer you
can do the traeger / grill combo as written, but in winter (or
if short on time) you can skip all that and just throw them in
the oven. Hell, skip the marinade too if you're really in a hurry
.. kids don't mind.
6 garlic cloves, minced
1 chunk fresh ginger, grated
2 tbsp olive oil or vegetable oil
4 tbsp soy sauce
2 tbsp mirin
4 tbsp honey
1 tsp ground black pepper
8-10 chicken drumsticks
optional - 2 tbsp minced thai chiles if you are going for spicy
BBQ sauce (my kids like Kroger PS brand Carolina Inspired
In a gallon size ziploc, combine everything and massage the bag
to make sure everything is evenly distributed and coated. Leave
in fridge overnight, a few hours, whatever.
Start traeger on smoke, like 180. At the same time, light the
grill and set to high. Throw the drumsticks on a baking sheet
and smoke for a while, say half an hour.
Transfer to grill. Turn off burners underneath the drumsticks.
Leave the other burners on. Manage heat so "oven" temp
is 375 or so. If needed or wanted you can turn the burners underneath
the chiclen to low. Note: My traeger is a pain in the ass and
can't manage to get to 375. If yours can, leave on there and increase
heat to 375, and you can skip the grill (oven).
Cook at 375 or so until internal drumstick temp is 155 F. Glaze
with BBQ sauce and cook until 160 F.
Let it rest a few and eat. |